The "Water Strider" Pod
Similar to how a water strider is able to float on water and use this technique to scare off their prey, the water strider pod in this architecture uses magnetic levitation around an "x" shaped pond, scaring off those students that try to hop on to this staff privileged transportation device.
The Lucky Revolving Clover
Just like how clovers and flowers follow the sun to optimise their photosynthesis. The revolving clover also follows (or hides from in the case of a summer season) the sun to optimise the cellular respiration in students and staff's body, increasing productivity and thus marks.
360° Lecture Theatre
Just as a bee, fly or wasp can see a near complete 360 view of their surroundings, this lecture theatre can too, with its 360-degree display panels that are placed all around the hall. This allows students to grasp a much better understanding of the architecture they are studying (such as the Empire State Building shown below). This would also work for interior spaces and students will be able to book the room by themselves to allow them to work on their own studio projects in a 1:1 scale!
The "Caterpillar" and "Worm" Studio Spaces.
The Caterpillar and Worm Studio Spaces are placed on both sides of the "Revolving Clover" attaching the two sides of the "Horseshoe Ramp" together. Just like how a caterpillar can shapeshift and adapt to its surroundings these studio spaces can also adapt to different conditions. In the event where a studio space would need extra room. The "Caterpillar" or "Worm" will "wiggle" up the horseshoe and expand to allow more people. The studio space will then contract by moving down the horseshoe when a larger space is not needed to save on cooling and heating energy costs.
A very, very natural studio space. Also showing the stretchable fabric that allows the caterpillar to expand and contract. |
Terracotta Garden
The architecture has a "terracotta" garden theme to it symbolising the unique connection between man-made objects and nature.
Computer Labs
Because windows is better.
But also one for those Apple fans...
Again using natural materials such as wood.